The Loneliest Generation

Subject: The elder generation is easily left out of the communication cycle.

Summary:  genusConnect is helping to change the isolation periods of seniors from weeks and months to days. genusConnect’s gentle reminders about the value and power of conversations and visits help to increase interaction. With its last-in-touch contact system, caregivers can balance communication and share valued observations that help lead to better in-home living. The result is peace of mind for all involved.

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Remote Monitoring Is Not Enough

genusConnect was designed on the belief that care is more than medical, and that only by engaging the four core needs of care, mental, physical, emotional, financial, can you have a positive impact on a patient (and caregiver’s) quality of life, health, and well being.  That belief is being backed up by a recently published study in Nature titled “Impact of remote patient monitoring on clinical outcomes: an updated meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials” that lays out an important finding: remote patient monitoring alone does not have a statistically significant impact on health outcomes.  The study, which examined 27 high quality randomized studies on patient monitoring outcomes over the past decade, concludes that a successful approach “might combine the most successful elements of the effective interventions in this review, including personalized coaching and feedback, in a more cost-effective manner.” 

We could not agree more.  With genusConnect, each point of contact, each emotional and physical observation, becomes an opportunity to collect meaningful behavioral and health data which can be used to spot trends before they start, and make meaningful interventions. Furthermore, by engaging the entire care network, as research suggests, genusConnect can have a positive impact on both unnecessary readmissions and extend a patient’s ability to stay healthy in their own home.

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Out with the old, in with the new!

We founded genus to help people organize the complex journey that is family caregiving.  But just as it is important to organize medical documents, communication, and calendars, physical organization can lead to great mental benefits as well.  This is especially true when caring for someone with dementia that can become easily confused.  Click the link below to read about one caregiver’s tips for getting organized in the new year.

Communicating Effectively With Receivers of Care

Communicating Effectively With Givers of Care

By: Genus Editorial Staff

If you are involved in caring for a family or friend in need, maybe suffering from dementia or Alzheimer’s, or perhaps handicapped physically, you already know how challenging this can be.  It isn’t unusual for our persons of care to resist us and feel like we are “bossing them around”.

This can be so frustrating for caregivers.  It’s not like we want to have to tell our loved ones what to do.  We are forced to do so.  How can we communicate with our loved ones in a way that perhaps will help them maintain more dignity?

Check out this article from Psychology Today that provides some excellent tips for dealing with this situation.


Communicating Effectively With Older Adults

Communicating Effectively With Older Adults

By: Genus Editorial Staff

If you are involved in caring for an older adult, maybe suffering from Dementia or Alzheimer’s, you already know how challenging this can be. Nobody likes being told what to do, so it is understandable when our older adults we are providing care for resist our suggestions. Sometimes it can escalate into an all-out war! This isn’t good for us or our person of care. Check out this article from Psychology Today that provides some excellent tips for dealing with this situation.

Safety: Slip, Trip and Fall Prevention

Source: The National Safety Council

Safety at home_ Falls

Headline:  Slip Trip and Fall Prevention

Who should read:
Givers of care who are looking to safe proof the home of those they are caring for.

Summary of article:
One in three older adults fall each year.  These falls can dramatically effect their quality of life.  This article shares the basic guide for improving safety in the living space for the person of care.


Slip, Trip and Fall Prevention Training CTA